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A short explanation of the control panel basics, where all feedback from employees is processed

Sergio avatar
Written by Sergio
Updated over a week ago

What happens with all the information and comments the employees share in the app? They are processed and displayed in your control panel 😀

Your main reference to browse the dashboard is the menu located on the left side of the screen, where you will see the names of the different sections. On this post, we will focus on showing you the tabs of the Settings section, where you will define the main features of your Happyforce profile, but for more details on how the rest of sections work,  just check out this quick guide

Let's get started! 

Tab 1: General 

This is where you define some of your Happyforce profile basics: your segmentation question, company hierarchy and the daily question that is sent to your employees every day. 

The company hierarchy will display the structure of your organization and you can add as many levels as you need.  We recommend that you 'draw' this as simple as possible because too many areas could make employees feel the platform is not anonymous enough. Remember, this is one of the main features to motivate participation. 

The segmentation question lets you filter data and information just like in a traditional work environment survey, and our recommendation about it is similar to what we suggest for the company hierarchy: don't get too specific with this so employees don't feel their answers can be easily identified. 90% of the companies don't use segmentation questions to make sure anonymity is guaranteed, but if you have second thoughts about it, this article can help you decide. 

Tab 2: Employees

This is the section where you can invite employees to participate in Happyforce and keep track of their activation status. 

Tab 3: Users

'Users' are your company's employees that have access to the control panel to monitor and analyze feedback. They can have two different roles: 

Administrators: people who can see data, ask questions and publish announcements to everyone in the organization. 

Managers: people who can also see data but can only ask questions and publish announcements to employees working in their own department. This is a key role since it enables a better distribution of the platform's potential around the company, encouraging middle managers' participation by allowing them to take the pulse of their teams and send them direct answers. 

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