Invite many employees at once

How to add many employees to Happyforce

Alex Ríos avatar
Written by Alex Ríos
Updated over a week ago

Hi there! Welcome to our mini Happyforce How-to series where you will now learn how to invite more than 1 employee at a time or in bulk.

To do so, please be sure to follow the next steps: 

  1. Log in to your Dashboard (may be assumed but we can never be too sure! ;) 

  2.  Click the Manage Section > Employees 

  3. Select and click “Manage employees from a file” in black

  4. Select “I would like to invite some employees”

  5. Download template, add employee emails and upload. 

And there you go, Invites sent! 

For a step by step process, please refer to the following video: 


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